Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the big cities and visit some of the off the beaten track places of Umbria. Half day or full day excursion
Escape from the big cities, take a break in one of the small towns of Umbria, enjoy the less known but definitely not less important and beautiful art they can offer. Taste the genuine food and wines or one of the best olive oils of Italy along with cured meat, fresh water fish,home made pasta, truffles and the best lentils of the country. Either you choose the lake Trasimeno area with its olive groves and rolling hills hosting small villages of great beauty or Bevagna, Spello and Montefalco , with breathtaking views and gorgeous vineyards as well as outstanding frescoes by Benozzo Gozzoli, Pinturicchio and Perugino or the remote villages of the Valnerina with its attractive abbeys and natural beauties, you will not make a mistake. Do not forget the area in and around Gubbio, the city where traditions are mostly respected and every dish is a pleasure for your palate, not to speak about the gorgeous Orvieto and its internationally renowned wines.In Italy do what the Italians do and enjoy Umbria, the beloved region of the Italians
Let us know what you would like to visit, which area of Umbria you are interested in and we will meet your requirements.